Live/Install CDs

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Tue Jan 11 10:35:05 CST 2005

On Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 02:33:42PM -0500, John Richard Moser wrote:

> Why not package LiveCDs with an extra Net-Install boot menu option and a
> Net-Install Gnome GUI frontend?  For those of us wanting LiveCDs, an
> extra couple megs (10-20?) won't matter; for those of us installing, an
> install from net is usually sufficient.

This is a good idea, and something we discussed back at the Oxford
conference, but currently we don't have a GNOME GUI installer to plug into
it (and it's too late in the release cycle to begin developing one), so this
is something to look at for the release which follows Hoary.

If you're interested in participating in its development, contact me.

 - mdz

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