[Hoary] dist-upgrade wants to remove and/or downgrade 36 pkgs.

Myles Green rmg57 at telus.net
Sun Jan 9 20:56:56 CST 2005

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 9 Jan 2005 16:41:46 -0800
Matt Zimmerman <mdz at canonical.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 09:47:36AM -0700, Myles Green wrote:
> > Has anybody else run into this or have I borked my Ubuntu?
> Looks like you've set some very strange things in /etc/apt/preferences
> and/or /etc/apt/apt.conf.

I wish that were the answer, but I've not touched either file, in fact
/etc/apt/apt.conf doesn't exist, I do have an apt-build.conf and an 
apt-file.conf though... 

Here are the contents of/etc/apt/preferences:


Package:  *
Pin:  release a=stable
Pin-Priority:  1001

Package:  *
Pin:  release a=testing
Pin-Priority:  101

Package:  *
Pin:  release a=unstable
Pin-Priority:  99

Package:  *
Pin:  release a=experimental
Pin-Priority:  9


I want to be running Hoary, is there something I need to add/subtract
from /etc/apt/preferences? What would the contents of /etc/apt/apt.conf
consist of?

My /etc/apt/sources.list has many many added entries, _all_ of which
have been (and remain) commented out, except to add specific
applications afterwhich they were commented out again. I mostly use
apt-get in an xterm out of habbit - I've been using Linux long enough
that the GUI tools are rather foreign to me.

I am new to Ubuntu but started with IIRC, Slackware 3.2 back in '97. I
did use Debian for a 7 or 8 month period circa 2000 but remained a
Slackware die-hard until I met Ubuntu last month. So, I'm up to the
challenge of fixing this installation if possible. All I need is some
pointers to relevant documentation.


- -- 
Myles Green <rmg57 at telus dot net> Calgary AB Canada
Ubuntu Linux 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" Dev. Branch 
GnuPG public key (9D02F338)  http://keyserver-beta.pgp.com/
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


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