update-manager sync at install
H. C. Brugmans
hcbrugmans at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 05:44:07 CST 2005
Matt Zimmerman wrote:
>On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 12:13:11PM -0500, John Richard Moser wrote:
>>It takes about 15 seconds to apt-get update.
>It takes a lot longer than that for some other users.
Personally, I think its decent to at least pick an update-time when
users actually expect something like it happening. I have no clue when
the cron-job is due right now.
Personally, I'd like to be able to have the option to control when it
updates, at boot or no, every 12/24/36 hours, you name it.
H. C. Brugmans
Kees van Dongenhof 318
3024NK Rotterdam
tel: 010-8002559
mob: 06-18630138
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