/var/cache/apt/archives not clean

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 15 13:03:56 CST 2005

On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 01:18:47PM +0100, Vincenzo Ampolo wrote:

> So we can do something like a sh script that will be executed by cron
> each week:
> it searches multiple packages of a source and if there are more than 3
> versions it deletes the oldest one. SO we will have the current and the
> old of each package.
> Who wanna make this script?

We certainly should do something about this; the cache should not grow
without bound.  Even 2 versions of each package is too much; what I
typically do on my systems is to delete files from the cache when they reach
a certain age; this has the advantage of being very simple.

I think the best option for a default would be:

- Configure a default threshold size for the cache (say, 100M)
- If the cache grows beyond that size, remove packages from it on an LRU

> Are we sure that if someone will make this script it will be added by
> default? 

We obviously can't make guarantees about accepting code without being able
to examine it and judge its quality.

 - mdz

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