
Michael Vogt michael.vogt at
Tue Feb 15 00:12:21 CST 2005

On Sun, Feb 13, 2005 at 02:21:51PM +0100, H. C. Brugmans wrote:
> I was reading OSnews, and came across a comparison of Fedora and Ubuntu. 
> The author offered his views on both systems, including some things that 
> I think make sense.
> the article:
> It raises some pionts about how synaptic and apt function, and how they 
> could function, for instance:
> => that it'd be very cool that users would be able to click on a .deb, 
> and have apt/synaptic automaticly install the program.

This is debian bug #47379 open for some time now (and there is also
ubuntu bug #2706). It's not easy to fix, but there has been some
prototype work for apt-0.5 (that needs to be ported to apt-0.6
next). The debian bugreport has some more details for those who are

> => to have the catagories in synaptic match the ones in the gnome
> menu.

Hoary will include a application called gnome-app-installer that will
do exactly this. It will structure it's tree like the application

> => from synaptic, link to the documentation / author's webpage

The documentation in synaptic is fairly good. It can be accessed with
F1 (or Help/Contents). In the "Help/About" box is the link to the
synaptic homepage (not clickable though). What parts can be improved
here? Making the link clickable?

> Perhaps some of these could be implemented?

Yes, thanks for your ideas (and the link to the review). Probably not
for hoary (because we are in freeze mode) but for hoary+1.


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