Fw: Merging Live and Install CDs

Alfonso de Cala alfonso.cala at juntadeandalucia.es
Mon Feb 14 05:03:20 CST 2005

> Why not have single CD that does boot lively and can be installed to
> hard disk, instead of having two?

I'd like to back this proposal.

We have delivered Guadalinex to our end users (citizens, common people, no tech profiles) using Live-Cds. People love our simple (and buggy!) installer because:

- Installation is straight forward (users love clicking buttons!)
- It has got loads of comments and warnings (overall before dangerous steps)
- You can choose whole disk, existing partition or QTparted/CFDISK to obtaing a target
- You can launch it just clicking an icon on the gnome desktop
- What You See Is What You Install: installed system is a clone of the Live-CD.

Obviously, this live cd contains no .deb packages. But it's built from them.

So, the "CD manufacturing chain" is: 

- Prepare a base system
- Install your custom packages
- Test the system
- Convert it to Live CD
- Test it live and installed

And the most common error is correcting mistakes in the system by hand, instead of using packages.

We'll probably invest some resources in improving this double-use CD.


Alfonso de Cala
Nuevas Tecnologías
Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información S.A.U.
Avda. de la Arboleda s/n
41940 Tomares (Sevilla)
Teléfono 955 062 611
e-mail: alfonso.cala at juntadeandalucia.es

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Alfonso de Cala
Nuevas Tecnologías
Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información S.A.U.
Avda. de la Arboleda s/n
41940 Tomares (Sevilla)
Teléfono 955 062 611
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