Localisation efforts vs. Hoary's freeze
Shot (Piotr Szotkowski)
shot at shot.pl
Wed Feb 9 18:25:26 CST 2005
One of the main gripes I have about Array CD 4 is the state of Polish
localisation - the installer doesn't seem to be translated more than
debian-installer from around August last year, and GNOME currently
lacks a lot of translations in the main menus (basically, IIRC, the
user is confronted with Aplikacje - Places - Desktop, and most of the
main menus' elements are not translated either).
I'd love to help in the translation process if it's at all possible
to change this for Hoary, but I'm not sure where to start and what
the deadlines are. I'm pretty sure the GNOME localisation team should
have more things translated into Polish (they lack only 4% translation
overall), but I'm not sure how their efforts relate to Rosetta. Warty
ended up with a very lacking Polish localisation (although GNOME 2.8
was 100% translated into Polish); I'm not sure what was the cause, but
it would be great if we could avoid this for Hoary.
What is the process of translating the installer? There are some totally
untranslated screens (I did a server-custom install, so it's no wonder
I encountered screens that most users will miss, but still I'd like them
better translated) and there are some typos in the current translation
as well. I also seem to remember some places where 'Debian' was not
switched to 'Ubuntu' (as in 'Debian installer').
-- Shot
Every now and then, Google doesn't throw up what I need so I start checking
Altavista, Yahoo, etc. In almost every single case, I am brutally reminded
why I use Google in the first place. -- John Riddoch, asr
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