Ubuntu Reviver

Peter Damoc pdamoc at gmx.net
Wed Feb 9 02:20:57 CST 2005

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 08:55:24 +1100, Jeff Waugh <jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> <quote who="Peter Damoc">
>> I can't wait for Grumpy's User profiles... :) a lot of good might come out
>> of them...
> (Keep in mind that not everything on the wiki is an active project or
> planned goal; we'll have to wait until we open hoary+1 to put together the
> goal list.)

:) well, I realise this BUT... talking about reality to a chronic dreamer does nothing :)
Anyway it is worth pointing out that User Profiles could be a really GoodThing™
It might simplify a lot of things... for one... it might turn "custom distributions" or derivatives into a simple XML description file thus motivating a lot of developers from "distro that's like Debian but with lang X or package Y or desktop Z" to come work on Ubuntu rather than reinventing the wheel on their own. A single Ubuntu DVD might end up containing ALL the user profiles.

Distrowatch says 335 active linux distros. 128 based on Debian. Now I know it's far fetched but there are at least 128 very bright, highly capable linux geeks that could work on Ubuntu fixing support for language X or maintaining a set of packages rather than worrying about packaging, compatibility, custom scripts, updates, iso compilations, support mailing lists, in other words... reinventing the wheel.
Ok, don't think 128 distros, think this: KDE, a lot of people love it, I don't but a lot of users out there do! There is Kubuntu, Ubuntu Live and there is Knoppix.... maybe having Klaus Knopper on Ubuntu boat might be something very interesting, out of those 128 Debian based distros 50 are based on Knoppix, that's almost half of those 128 geeks admiring this man!

Peter Damoc
jack of all trades, master of none

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