problem with gnome+usbdisk on hoary

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Mon Feb 7 06:11:00 CST 2005


Vincenzo Ampolo [2005-02-06  0:44 +0100]:
> Hi to all
> Yesterday i upgraded to hoary and i noted a wrong thing.
> When i connect an usb disk it is detected and mounted (a nautilus
> session is opened and the contents of my usb disk are showed) but not
> any icon are in my desktop or in my "Places" menu. To show the icon i
> should go into Places ---> computer and click on a cd/dvd-rom device, it
> gets an error (yep there is not any cd inside) but the icon of mass
> storage appears on my desktop and also in my Places menu.
> In warty when i plugged the usb disk nautilus started a session and a
> icon appears immediately on my desktop.
> Is it an error or i'm doing something wrong?

No, you do the right thing and in fact this is supposed to work.

However, all these nifty features rely on gamin which in turn relies
on the kernel feature "inotify" which is currently broken

The problem is known and Fabio does hard work to make it work again,
so this should only be a matter of time (hopefully...).


Martin Pitt             
Ubuntu Developer  
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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