spam on hoary-changes

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Mon Feb 7 01:54:39 CST 2005

<quote who="Nils Jeppe">

> Guys, PLEASE close down the lists for non-subscribers. I get more than
> enough spam already.

For various reasons, this has not been appropriate for the hoary-changes
list, however we are working at a useful workaround for it. We apologise for
the noise in the mean time.

> You are making yourself guilty of assisting them, and I *will* report it
> accordingly via spamcop et al.

That would not be even remotely productive.

- Jeff

GUADEC 2005: Stuttgart, Germany            
  "A 'lame' server is a server that is SUPPOSED to be authoritative, but,
      when asked, says: 'Me? I know nothing, I'm from Madrid!'" - Ralf

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