Python IDE

Zac Brown zbrown at
Sun Feb 6 21:06:34 CST 2005

I've found that the python eclipse plugin was very nice in Eclipse. I've
been using Eclipse as an IDE for Java, C, C++, and python for a while
now and have enjoyed it a lot. Might be something for others to look

On Sun, 2005-02-06 at 21:53 -0500, Lee Connell wrote:
> >>>Instead of writing a new IDE from scratch, it is better to write
> anjuta plugins to fill missing python-ide features in anjuta.  The
> plugin interface is C, maybe one could come with python wrapper and
> use python itself for writing plugins!<<<
> i agree with Sridhard,
> wouldn't it be quicker, easier to develop a plugin for anjuta for python.  
> And also the python wrapper idea for developing plugins is another great 
> idea.  Having a gtk python ide that's free would be a great push for python 
> development.  It's too bad is not open source because that's 
> a great ide written in gtk with support for zope, plone, mod_python, pygtk, 
> pyqt, wx, glade.
> Lee
Zac Brown <zbrown at>
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