Launchpad Integration with the deskop: thoughts?

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Sat Feb 5 22:30:51 CST 2005

<quote who="Sivan Green">

>  As per the intent to make accessing rosetta's service
>  offerings clickable from the desktop, I experimented bits
>  with some of the gnome base libs and tend to think  that the
>  right place for this is maybe on each application "About"
>  boxes, which in  few gnome  apps are already used to reference 
>  the user to the app's  website, to report a bug onto gnome's bugzilla etc.
>  The idea is to patch libgnomeui and libgtk at the about
>  boxes code level, to include buttons that would open
>  moz-firefox windows , with the matching rosetta, malone,
>  and doap pages of the application. This would:
>    1) Make the patches small and relatively non intrusive.
>    2) Reach many apps with 2-3 centeralized patches.
>  Does this sound sane?

Yes, this is what we agreed on at Mataró. ;-)

- Jeff

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          "One World, one Web, one Browser." - Microsoft promotion
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