synaptic with dpkg progressbar in hoary
Joe Barnett
thejoe at
Fri Feb 4 16:20:49 CST 2005
The only problem I've noticed with this so far is that it doesn't
interact well (or at all) with apt-listchanges... You need to use the
terminal to see/accept the new changes.
On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 20:20:46 +0100, Michael Vogt <michael.vogt at> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> synaptic now has the feature to hide the dpkg output when instaling
> packages and display a nice progress bar instead.
> To make sure that it works as expected it would be really nice if
> users of hoary and synaptic could help testing this feature by seting
> "Settings/Preferences/Apply changes in terminal window" to unchecked
> (this will be the default for hoary).
> If your version of synaptic is recent enough (0.55+cvs2005* should do)
> you will get a progress-bar when installing packages. If you want (or
> the program tries to prompt on the terminal direcly) you can exapnd
> the "Terminal" expander to see what's going on. The Debconf frontend
> is set to gnome by default in this mode, (so libgnome2-perl is
> recommended but not enforced).
> Please report any problems/suggestions to me (or the bugzilla).
> Thanks,
> Michael
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