Fluendo MP3 GStreamer Plugin in Main for Dapper?

Evandro Fernandes Giovanini evandrofg at ig.com.br
Fri Dec 30 03:35:20 GMT 2005

Em Sex, 2005-12-30 às 00:54 +0100, Øivind Hoel escreveu:
> I should think that statement/commitment(?) applies to normal
> software. MP3 playback is impossible to deliver in a completely free
> way because of the US patent issue, but since a huge portion of the
> media people have on their computers is in the MP3 format, I'd think
> we should support it out of the box now that we have the opportunity
> to do so (if we can get the rhythmbox license changed and/or fit
> mono/banshee on the cd).
> It's not as if we don't supply restricted stuff already, so I don't
> see why you keep stressing your point about the free software
> commitment applies, really. I think it's a fine ideal to pursue, but
> until the world becomes perfect, we'll have to do the sensible thing
> first.

The sensible thing is to stick to the free software ideals if you don't
want to look like a hypocrite when talking about the freedom you have
with free software like Ubuntu. "Err, we belive that software shouldn't
restrict users, that users should have freedom. But if you have a
collection of mp3 files, then freedom is not important, convenience is."
I want to see Jeff keep talking about freedom in his GNOME/Ubuntu
talks. ;)

If the Fluendo plugin is part of Ubuntu then everyone that wants to
redistribute Ubuntu can't, unless they also sign a contract with
Fluendo. Ubuntu would be a proprietary operating system, and we don't
really want to become one of those, do we? ;)


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