Fluendo MP3 GStreamer Plugin in Main for Dapper?

Stephan Hermann sh at sourcecode.de
Fri Dec 30 00:32:01 GMT 2005

On Friday 30 December 2005 00:43, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="John Nilsson">
> > On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 18:55 +0100, Øivind Hoel wrote:
> > > User experience is what should come first - always. In my thought
> > > patterns, that's the whole point of Ubuntu - to provide an easy to use
> > > desktop for everyone.
> >
> > In that case, maybe the wording about free software comittment on
> > www.ubuntulinux.org should be changed?
> Note that the code is MIT licensed.

Jeff, it's not about the source. The source can be used, when you are living 
in a country where the mp3 patent of frauenhofer is not being licensed.
In countries where the patent applies, you have to use the binary, non-MIT 
fluendo plugin, which can be distributed under some special terms. There is a 
contract to be signed, and they explicitly stated in their release 
announcement, that several applications which could use the plugin, can't use 
the plugin because of violating the GPL, because the binary plugin is not GPL 

Means, in Germany or US I think it's not allowed to ship the source, but it's 
allowed to use the binary plugin of fluendos mp3 thing. But it's not allowed 
to use the binary plugin with rhythmbox, because it would violate the GPL.

It's all about patents. Patents are evil in this case, that we're not allowed 
to freely use them for non-commercial purposes. It would be wise for 
Frauenhofer, to make a commitment to the opensource software world, and have 
a special treatment for the MP3 patent for (F)OSS. 

But that's a dream...

After all, the best thing is to consult a lawyer which special interests are 
patents and patent worldwide law. He should check the possibilities of having 
the source or the binary plugin shipped with Ubuntu.


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