Sorry, this format is unsupported. [was: Fluendo MP3 GStreamer Plugin in Main for Dapper?]

Chris Jones cmsj at
Mon Dec 26 23:30:38 GMT 2005


On 11:13:57 pm 26/12/2005 Eric Feliksik <milouny at> wrote:
> Can people give examples of hardware that is detectable, but not
> supportable? Or at least not completely, or with free drivers? For

I'm sure people could give you such examples, but it ought to be fairly
easy to tell by looking for pci/usb/etc device IDs that the hardware
detection code couldn't do anything with when a system boots, although that
does lead you near to the age old Windows annoyance of it hassling you
about unknown hardware.

Chris Jones
  cmsj at

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