Fluendo MP3 GStreamer Plugin in Main for Dapper?

Chris Jones cmsj at tenshu.net
Mon Dec 26 11:48:37 GMT 2005


On 3:09:12 am 26/12/2005 Evandro Fernandes Giovanini <evandrofg at ig.com.br>
> What would really make a difference is if people didn't need non-free
> or patented technologies. :)

Maybe I'm too pessimistic/pragmatic, but I don't see that happening in any
kind of reasonable timeframe, so I discard the possibility and look for the
best ways to make life easier for people.

> Anyway, the starter guide already explains how to add Java, MP3 and

There's a starter guide? Everyone knows that nobody reads the instructions
for things. In my case because I'm an old hand, in other cases because
people can't be bothered and in other cases because they can't find it.
Why should a new user read through a starter guide to get java/mp3 support
when the rest of the desktop is so discoverable?

> One idea is to launch yelp on the appropriate page when the user tries
> to play an mp3 file with rhythmbox or totem, or view a website with
> Java or Flash content with firefox.

I completely agree, that would be much better - it would remove the current
errors you get for such things (which in the case of rhythmbox trying to
load an mp3 is quite confusing), you can present the legal/moral argument
why such formats are less than desirable, but then offer a simple list of
instructions for resolving the situation, should the user wish to.

Chris Jones
  cmsj at tenshu.net

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