Fluendo MP3 GStreamer Plugin in Main for Dapper?

Martin Meredith mez at ubuntu.com
Sun Dec 25 05:23:26 GMT 2005

The redistribution contract

Any distribution or Unix maker out there who want to include the Fluendo
MP3 plug-in with their distribution can do so by just signing a contract
with Fluendo to become an official redistributor. This contract includes
no monetary compensation to Fluendo for getting the right to
redistribute the Fluendo MP3 plug-in and no demands of additional
purchases from Fluendo. The main purpose of the contract is to satisfy
our upstream contractual requirements. By signing this contract any
distribution can support mp3 out of the box without any additional
license fee. Take a look at the example contract and contact us at
info at fluendo.com for details.

Michael wrote:
> Fluendo released a fully licensed "cost-free" mp3 decoder a few days ago under the MIT license. If I'm not mistaken, it should be possible to put that plugin in Main and have legal mp3 decoding support out of the box for Dapper. 
> Michael

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