Dapper FT2 install ok, X fails after updates re opening SecurityPolicy

Randall J. Parr RParr at TemporalArts.COM
Fri Dec 16 21:10:09 GMT 2005

I installed Dapper FT2 amd64 on a Supermicro H8DCE nForce4, Opteron,
nVidia 7800GT system last night.

The install went fine and I was thrilled to see my Areca RAID controller
(arcmsr) was recognized.

I was also happy to see the install appeared to install/configure the
nVidia driver.

But... (there's always a but isn't there?)

After I applied the 120+ updates the X start up ends with a message about
"error opening security policy file: /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy"
although the files is there.

Is this a known problem?

Is there (will there be) a known solution?

What additional information can I supply?

R.Parr, RHCE, Temporal Arts

P.S. Is this the proper forum for this kind of Dapper question or should
they be posted on user list?

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