[Ubuntus MOTU School] Packaging without debhelper and/or CDBS

William Cai wcai at xwarelabs.com
Wed Dec 7 12:53:33 GMT 2005

Is it possible to publish the training document on website? It would be
helpful for those who won't attend this training.


On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 22:47 +0100, Stephan Hermann wrote:

> Good Evening,
> The Project "Ubuntus MOTU School" proudly presents:
> Topic: Packaging without debhelper and/or CDBS
> When: 10th of December, 17:00 UTC
> Who: Andrew Mitchell <ajmitch ___at____ ubuntu dot com>
> We are inviting YOU, yes we mean you, to join #ubuntu-motu-school on 
> irc.freenode.net.
> Andrew Mitchell will  give us a good introduction into Debian packaging 
> without the help of debhelper or CDBS.
> Why?
> We, the MOTUs and as well the core devs of Ubuntu, think it's time to increase 
> the level of education. Right now, it's quite difficult to enter the world of 
> debian packaging and development. 
> And the best way to change this, is to have some lectures. 
> Everybody who is interested to be involved in Ubuntu MOTU work and Ubuntu 
> development and as well in Debian packaging is invited to join us.
> Even MOTUs and Core Devs are learning every day new ways to improve 
> themselves. And what we can, you can as well.
> About Andrew Mitchell:
> Andrew is Debian Developer and MOTU since January 2005. Actually to become a 
> Debian Developer (abbrev.: DD) you will start as "Padawan", so you learn 
> packaging from the ground. To speak of a "Master of the Universe" (abbrev.: 
> MOTU) he is one of our heros in several transitions and merge runs. He knows 
> what he is doing and is always very sensible to do no mistakes in his 
> packages.
> His opinions and views are appreciated all over the MOTUs.
> About "Masters of the Universe":
> The "Masters of the Universe" are responsible for Ubuntus "Universe and 
> Multiverse" repositories.
> We are a group of 25-30 people who are doing volunteer work for Ubuntu. We are 
> all Ubuntu Members and stick with the CoC. We try to fix every package in 
> Universe/Multiverse, we try to help other people to get their software into 
> the Ubuntu Software Repositories. We try to change the world.
> You will find the "MOTUs" in the #ubuntu-motu channel on irc.freenode.net.
> Thank you for your attention,
> Stephan Hermann aka \sh 
> for the Ubuntu MOTU (School) Team.
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