Ostl will do a testing for ubuntu5.10 soon.

姜国伟 jianggw at bsw.net.cn
Wed Dec 7 02:57:02 GMT 2005

Hello,everyone! Our testing lab has ever done an all-sided testing for ubuntu5.04, and published our testing report.You can fetch and read it at




      Recently, we will do a similar testing for ubuntu5.10.In order to make it better, we need your suggestions. For instance, are you more interested in compatibility testing result? Or performance testing should be strengthened? Could you recommend or supply any good testing tools to us?How to improve our testing method?

      If you like it,we are willing to supply such testing for every version of ubuntu in the future.

      Look forward to hearing your voice!



                                                                                            Open Source Testing Lab
                                                                                                                Beijing Software Testing Center

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