apt: dependancy removing

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 5 18:28:26 GMT 2005

On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 08:13:28PM +0100, Christian Bjälevik wrote:
> lör 2005-12-03 klockan 18:20 +0100 skrev MadMan2k:
> > during the breezy development, this issue has already been discussed and 
> > afair
> > there was already someone working on this - is this still being dealt with?
> > 
> > the issue in short:
> > if you remove package A, which used to depend on package B, package B 
> > wont be removed even if there is no package C, which could also depend 
> > on package B.
> > 
> > M2k
> > 
> Yes, but I think it was deferred :-/. mvo/mdz?

There is some existing code for this feature enhancement, but it is not
targeted for Dapper.

aptitude implements this functionality, and has for some time, and is
available to those who wish to use it.

 - mdz

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