Bug Reports

Alexandre Strube surak at surak.eti.br
Thu Dec 1 02:44:45 GMT 2005

Em Qua, 2005-11-30 às 21:30 -0500, Lukas Sabota escreveu:
> I'm a little confused to where Ubuntu bug reports should be placed.  
> Should they be placed in the launchpad or the bugzilla?  The wiki points 
> to both, which one is being used?  The wiki should be updated to reflect 
> whichever one is currently being used.

Simple rule:

- discover to which package you want to open a bug report to;
- open synaptic
- locate on synaptic your package

if the package has the ubuntu logo besides its name, it means this
package is in the "main" repository. So, for now, the bug report must go
to bugzilla.

if the package does not have the ubuntu logo, it probable came from
universe or multiverse repositories. In this case, you must report it
into malone, launchpad's bugreport tool.

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