Further usplash development

MadMan2k madman2k at gmx.de
Tue Aug 30 08:05:54 CDT 2005

does vga=792 work with it?

Matthew Garrett wrote:
> 1) Make sure that you're running 2.6.12-7
> 2) apt-get install usplash lsb-base initramfs-tools
> 3) dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r`
> 4) ???
> 5) Profit
> Hibernate is currently broken if you're using usplash - this should be 
> fixed in the next kernel release. Some lines are wrapped incorrectly. 
> This should be fixed in the next usplash release. The artwork isn't 
> final, but it's produced by someone who can draw (rather than me) so 
> it's significantly more attractive. Some people may have strange fringes 
> of different colours around the picture - this ought to be fixed in the 
> next usplash release as well.
> Bug reports plskthxbi

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