[Possible Spam]::Re: CD integrity checking (Re: Colony 3, Test report)

Alvin Thompson alvin-ubuntu at thompsonlogic.com
Mon Aug 29 21:11:29 CDT 2005

Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> Even with a CD integrity check, there are dozens of ways that the install
> can go wrong.

this, as you know, is a non-argument. perhaps car manufacturers 
shouldn't bother providing seat belts because there's dozens of other 
ways you can die?

> If they have flaky RAM, or a failing hard disk, or they encounter a
> packaging bug, etc., they're in the same boat.  Perhaps we should run a few
> mandatory passes of memtest86+ before allowing the user to install? ;-)

and this argument is specious. if a computer has bad memory or a bad 
hard disk, not installing ubuntu won't make it any less broken.

but enough of this; we could go on forever. what it boils down to is 
that this is just a matter of opinion--is the safety of the CD check 
worth the inconvenience of asking? since it's your decision, it's your 
opinion that counts.

i would, however, like to point out that virtually everyone else who has 
chimed in has thought that providing an obvious option for checking the 
CD for errors outweighed the inconvenience.


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