UTF-8 doesn't display all characters correctly in VC

Bob Nielsen nielsen at oz.net
Wed Aug 24 14:23:56 CDT 2005

On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 06:19:01PM +0200, Hervé Cauwelier wrote:
> Bob Nielsen a écrit :
> >I get everything displayed correctly in a X-terminal, but when using a 
> >virtual console, anything but text is all messed up.  This is 
> >particularly annoying with mutt and mc is practically unusable.  Is 
> >there something I need to change in my configuration?
> There is a known bug, AFAIK. One workaround is to call the reset 
> command. Oddly enough, this does not occur on the others VC.

Thanks for the information.  Doing a reset works with mc, but mutt still 
shows the --> for threads as weird characters.  In any case mc is now 
workable.  Switching to another VC and back restored the problem, 
however (and another reset fixed it again).

Bob Nielsen

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