breezy 3 - what comes to mind

Hervé Cauwelier herve.cauwelier at
Wed Aug 24 10:08:57 CDT 2005

Rasmus Nes a écrit :
> I installed amd64 version, and it installed very nicely, but there
> were some bugs after installation.

Note we have a team for laptop testing, your report is welcome but is 
also means filing or commenting bugs on those errors you met.


> - The splash screen that comes with the updated kernel 12.7, didn't
> seem to work as supposed.

You will find in the archives of the list you just experienced the 
expected behaviour of USplash 0.1. :-)

The good news is, it worked! Thouh the USlaph developers may be 
interested by your hardware configuration.

> - Why no "glx-gears"-command?

As said, it was moved to the mesa-utils package. Glxgears is useless 
anyway as glxinfo is much more interesting to check 3D acceleration 
support, and it is *not* a benchmark.

> - The "inhibernate" command, didnt work, it just turned off my
> computer. I dont know if it has something to do with my spoecific
> hardware or not.

Did you get back your desktop at power on or Ubuntu started as usual to 
the login screen?

Hervé Cauwelier

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