nvidia-glx and developer package dependencies

Kirtis Bakalarczyk kirtis.bakalarczyk at gmail.com
Sat Aug 20 17:33:24 CDT 2005


I've been tracking Breezy recently and I've been interested in
learning how to build debs to fix some of the little problems i've
been having.

To that end, I need to install various developer packages.  The catch
is, when i try to do, for example: sudo apt-get build-dep muine, apt
wants to do this:

The following packages will be REMOVED:
  libgl1-xorg nvidia-glx

I'm not overly familiar with the inner workings of the apt dependency
system, but this seems like the openGL libraries that come with the
nvidia drivers aren't marked as providing something required by other
packages, even though they probably do.

Is this just a known bug that i don't need to worry about?  I hope
this behaviour is changed, because I'm not sure I can live without 3d


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