Colony 3, Test report

Jeffrey W. Baker jwbaker at
Fri Aug 19 23:51:27 CDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 23:49 -0400, Alvin Thompson wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 17:33 -0700, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > Because that would force every user to answer an additional question on
> > every install.
> what's wrong with that if the question's important enough? the first
> time i tried to install ubuntu i had a bad disk and the install failed
> seemingly without any explanation. i assumed ubuntu just didn't like my
> laptop and went with my next choice--suse. it wasn't until later that i
> tried to install again and figured out the cd was bad.

I wouldn't even make it optional.  Although I burn my ISOs on a Mac
which automatically checks the CD post-burn, many people don't bother
with the verification, and misburns are surprisingly common.  It's a big
headache to have a half-installed system.


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