Breezy Badger milestone release "Colony 3" now available

Matthew Garrett mjg59 at
Wed Aug 17 17:52:57 CDT 2005

On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 06:08:54PM -0400, Lukas Sabota wrote:

> I ran the command specified.  On my next boot, I received no information 
> about the boot process, just the Ubuntu logo and a white box where the 
> bootup output should go.  Then, I changed my vga kernel setting to 791, 
> and I just was given a black screen until X started.  Hmm, what's the 
> deal there?

That's correct. Usplash will currently only work with vga16fb, which is 
our only supported framebuffer on x86 right now. Anything else leads to 
immense pain with suspend/resume support. The status printing code isn't 
hooked up yet - that'll appear once we've finalised the way that the 
initramfs/rootfs transition occurs.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59 at

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