Re Kubuntu 64bit, several issues

Tristan Wibberley maihem at
Mon Aug 15 13:30:18 CDT 2005

Daniel Stone wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2005 at 11:55:49PM +0100, Tristan Wibberley wrote:
>>However, my fear in that respect has been
>>shown to be unfounded since, once you have run a real system sudo
>>binary, the password cannot be snooped.
> Assuming you have ultimate trust in your terminal emulator, the 70-odd
> shared libraries it currently *directly* depends on, the 17 or so
> client-side X libraries that would be involved, etc.

The key word here is currently. If I thought that Linux was currently
secure enough, I wouldn't have raised the issue. By raising what I saw
as a problem, I expected that I had indicated an intention to cause
change, either directly by creating patches after getting advice from
other people, or by persuading other people to help, or even to do it
all, but if I can do it (and it doesn't come too close to, or overlap
with, my employers business - and after I've checked with them anyway) I
will certainly try. First I need to work out what is the nicest way of
doing it.

> Oh, and did I mention that anyone running as your user has full access
> to your X session?  They're listening on the wire for key events, and
> watching for the word 'sudo'.

I understand that the X server currently will happily give all
keystrokes to anything that can connect to your session, and I am trying
to say that I would like a facility where it will refuse in some cases,
as directed by a suitably trusted system binary.

> Whoops, suddenly anyone running under your UID has your password.

But only if a program running under my uid recieves my password, or a
program running as root happily forwards it on.

>>Then I think you would need only the terminal emulators (or relevant
>>parts thereof) and the X server to be privileged, running as a different
>>user, or otherwise unsnoopable.
> 'Otherwise unsnoopable' is a nice idea, but utterly technically
> unfeasible.

For the third case perhaps infeasible (but not necessarily impossible),
for the case of "running as a different user" certainly not, as that is
normal operation.

> As Matt said, you cannot protect yourself from yourself.  And once
> someone has access to your account, you are entirely equivalent, as far
> as the computer is concerned.

I do not believe we are. Because the attacker doesn't know my password
before I type it, and if Linux can be given a way to tell me that I'm
typing the password into a program that is not running as me and the
keystrokes will only be passed on to such programs (ie the X server
promises not to forward my keystrokes to any old thing), then the
attacker will not get my password. In that scenario, programs running
under my uid do not enter the equation - they would only start the
privileged process that sets up the secure environment for password
entry. To get my password under that regime, the attacker would have to
have root first - or a screwdriver and a crowbar.

The debate then, is how best to have Linux stop sudo from being a fairly
straightforward target.

However, if you don't wish to help me to work out the best way to do
this, simply don't give me advice on it. I still firmly believe it *can*
be done. I accept that a computer subject to natural laws cannot be 100%
secure, but when a small bug in libpng or zlib can make it easy to
stealthily install an effective trojan, something should be done to
improve that use case.

Tristan Wibberley

Opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily coincide with those
of my employer, etc.

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