Re Kubuntu 64bit, several issues

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Sun Aug 14 06:09:22 CDT 2005

On zo, 2005-08-14 at 11:30 +0100, Tristan Wibberley wrote:

> Something I'm concerned about sudo, and this is relevant for su also. If
> my user account is compromised, an attacker that gets to run a program
> locally through, say, a zlib bug, could alias sudo to grab my password,
> unalias sudo, then fail

It could also simply create a sheel that is setuid'ed to your account.
Or other nasty things. This is not a sudo/su problem.

> Also, is there any chance that synaptic could be made to run its sources
> list editor via sudo so that could be restricted further.

You mean typing your password again when already being root? That would
just be a pain in the butt... 

> BTW, when I first installed Ubuntu (I think it was the one before hoary,
> or hoary). The sudoers file had nothing in except root ALL=(ALL) ALL
> and, I think, a Defaults line. I couldn't find any way to make me able
> to run administrative tools except by enabling root login to set up
> sudoers. Has this been fixed in Breezy (I'm currently running Breezy),
> if so how does it now work?

If you installed warty with the server option, it would not setup sudo.
This has been fixed long since.

Dennis K.
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