Upgrade to breezy from hoary makes the system unbootable (using lvm)

Loic Pefferkorn loic at ml.erodia.net
Thu Aug 11 10:28:32 CDT 2005


Using a freshly installed Hoary (kubuntu), I've tried to dist-upgrade it to 
Breezy using apt-get dist-upgrade.

After a reboot the system won't start, I have this after grub :

[4294672.010000] audit (1123767182.008:0): initialized
/init: 59: cannot open /sys/bus/scsi/devices/*/types: no such file
/dev/cdrom: openfailed: no medium found
/dev/cdrom1: open failed: no medium found
unable to find volume groups "iron-kubuntu-breezy"
alert: /dev/mapper/iron-kubuntu--breezy does not exist - dropping to a shell

Then I have busybox prompt.

fdisk -l :
/dev/hda1               1           4       32098+  83  Linux
/dev/hda2               5       20023   160802617+  8e  Linux LVM

- /boot : is hda1
- / is a logical volume kubuntu-breezy inside volume group named iron.

I think it's a initrd problem, lvm not available to mount root partition ?

best regards,

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