Making Evince the default rather than xpdf

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Mon Aug 8 01:16:08 CDT 2005

<quote who="Colin Charles">

> In LiveCD customisation for a Hoary-based LiveCD, I was looking to replace
> Xpdf as the default PDF viewer, and make Evince the default.  However, I'm
> grappling with making such a change
> I thought maybe I'd remove xpdf, but doing that wants to take the whole of
> ubuntu-desktop with it!

ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage, so doing it this way is really not a
problem, particularly given that you're building a customised LiveCD.

> I don't mind xpdf being there, I'm just curious how I can make Evince
> the default, via the command line

You could modify /etc/gnome/defaults.list

- Jeff

EuroOSCON: October 17th-20th
              Self-assertive pants are filled with confidence.

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