Breezy usability testing?

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Wed Aug 3 00:32:44 CDT 2005

On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 05:18:56PM -0300, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> Em 22 Jul, 2005, às 3:33 PM, Chip Piller escreveu:
> > ...
> > I was not in any way suggesting that the release cycle be changed, 
> > only asking about usability testing.  Based upon the responses it 
> > would appear that there is no usability testing program.
> > ...
> Correct. If you want to set up such a program, that would be great! 
> It's pretty easy to do -- get someone who hasn't used Ubuntu before (or 
> hasn't used the feature you're testing before), sit behind them and 
> watch them, and prompt them to talk about what they're thinking, but 
> *don't give them any help* unless they're about to give up completely. 
> Write down everything you notice. Once you've done this for at least 
> five people, summarize the results and publish.

Indeed.  This is another great way for community members to contribute to
the development of Ubuntu which doesn't involve writing code.  It would be
fantastic to have some documents in the wiki which could be followed
step-by-step to carry out usability testing and report the results.

 - mdz

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