
Ankur Kotwal ankur.kotwal at
Fri Apr 29 03:19:53 CDT 2005

> MOTU will add it happily if we find somebody to package it and are for
> the package

I'll happily package it for Ubuntu. Still I would prefer that the user
post on the wiki so that the process is still followed :)

>but i'd also like to point you to the device manager, since
> this tool just duplicates the contents of this app...everything sysinfo
> shows is already in the default device manager ;)

This is an interesting point. Where do we draw the line in what we
package? Debian takes the approach of trying to package everything
regardless of whether the application is a duplicate of another.
Should we at ubuntu only package so-called duplicate applications
based on their popularity?

Kind Regards,
Ankur Kotwal

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