LTSP on Ubuntu

Christoffer Olsen co at
Mon Apr 25 08:38:05 CDT 2005

The skolelinux homepages should have explicit directions. But a few
words about the project: The rely on the untrained school staff to run
the things, and they base themselves on Debian Stable (think they moved
to Sarge after a while though). That might be good or bad depending on
how you want things. Installation is set to be as generic as possible,
only going across three steps.

I've worked/am working with Ubuntu and LTSP, recently installing Hoary
for use across 70 clients. Works like a charm. Installing LTSP is pretty

On the packaging: My work will provide LTSP and some extra packages for
Ubuntu Hoary in a little while, so I hope that could be to use for
someone else as well. provides generic installation
instructions, and they work fairly well. Everything that LTS needs is in
main or universe.


On Mon, 2005-04-25 at 02:21 -0700, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2005 at 01:50:09AM -0400, Ozitraveller wrote:
> > 
> > Skolelinux
> >,
> > already does this, and it's Debian and LTSP based? And wouldn't
> > all/most of the packages be available in the Debian repositories?
> Do you have any pointers to information about how it works, or even how to
> use it?
> -- 
>  - mdz

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