Ubuntu On Servers: JabberD2

Sami Haahtinen ressu at ressukka.net
Fri Apr 22 11:12:28 CDT 2005

Hey there.

Stephan Hermann wrote:
> Now, I'm running a jabberd2 service and I installed the jabberd2 package from 
> ubuntu/debian.
> I figured out some issues with this package.

I'm sure there are quite many more where those came from, and you have
me to blame for them ;)

To start with, you should get the debian version of jabberd2, which is
based on a more recent release of Jabberd2. It is not maintained by me,
so i can't really tell you offhand if these problems have been fixed there.

> Right now, I'm sitting here and rewrite the init scripts to get a nice and 
> easy to maintain startup configuration, for virtual hosting of jabberd2 
> sessions.

The debian version of the package might contain the fixes already. on
the other hand, there is always room for improvement. Check out how the
debian version works and improve it instead.

> What do you think, does it make sense to let you (motus, devels) review this 
> change or should I send it directly to the originating debian package 
> maintainer?

Please don't send it to me, it's highly unlikely that i'll be releasing
a new version of the package. I don't use jabberd2 anymore. i switched
to ejabberd, which just got virtual hosting support btw, but it's not in
hoary either.

The motus are aware of the situation (i failed to notify them in time,
and they didn't have the time to contact me before it was already too
late) and they might have a battle plan for the situation already.

> I'm also working on some other packages for jabberd2 compatible components, to 
> run without jabberd1.
> Most of the jabber components have deps on jabberd1 and this is also a nice 
> pitfall :) I will put those packages later on 
> http://www.ubuntulinux.com/MOTUNewPackages for reviewing

I went around this problem with ejabberd by tricking jabberd1 to proxy
the connections to ejabberd. I think that the biggest problem (atleast
it was when i was still using debian) is that most of the components
that have been packaged, rely on the jabberd1 startup script for
starting the service. If we could get an init that is able to follow
dependencies, we could dump the hackery and make it simple for everyone.

- S

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