SCSI scanners : make them work.

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Tue Apr 19 10:17:59 CDT 2005

Since the list isn't to busy yet, I will risk posting my first post here
to suggest something to do for Breezy : make scanners work.

In Warty, one of the first things people "complained" about, is that
only root cold operate the scanner.
now I see that it still is the case with Hoary, so I am starting to
worry a bit and fear that it might still be the case in Breezy.

I don't understand why normal users are not allowed to use a scanner,
what bad could they do to the system, using a scanner ?
OTOH, when you install a CD writer, potentially using it to steal top
secret material from your company, you are allowed to do so.
So I think that letting users use a scanner is less "dangerous" than
letting them use a CD writer.

Please someone explain to me why users can't use the scanner.

Also, I see that, strangely, I AMMMM part of the "scanner" group, yet I
still can "see" the scanner, if I start Xsane as a normal user.

so if this a bug, or a feature ? If it's a feature, I don't understand.
If it's a bug, is this so difficult to fix, that it's still there in
Hoary ? Is it going to be worked on for Breezy ?

Also, to get my SCSI scanner working I first have to load the "sg"
module, as it's not loaded at boot.
However when I plug my SCSI CD writer, somehow, 'sg' is loaded and the
writer works out of the box...even for normal users.
But not for the scanner... why ?

It's not the end of the world, but it's annoying and just one more
little thing that doesn't "just work".



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