Breezy suite now open for business

John Dong john.dong at
Thu Apr 14 16:34:12 CDT 2005

On behalf of the UbuntuForums staff, we've tried our hardest to make sure 
users post in the right forums. For the Development Mailing list, as someone 
mentioned already, we have large bold announcements. However, we found that 
often times, users will ignore such warnings. 
For example, we've always had problems with people asking questions or 
starting threads in the "HOWTO" forum. To prevent these headaches, we 
changed the name over to "Tips, Tricks & Customizations" (Gentoo-inspired), 
but people are _STILL_ posting questions in there!

We are currently considering a "Before-You-Post" message users must go 
through before replying to /starting threads. We are also considering a 
read-only archive of the ubuntu-devel list.

We apologize for the inconvenience/spamming of the Ubuntu Developers due to 

The Ubuntu Forums Team

Ubuntu Forums Super Moderator
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