OT: Mark made my day!

Ewan Mac Mahon ewan at macmahon.me.uk
Wed Apr 13 15:35:59 CDT 2005

On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 04:13:15PM +0100, Ewan Mac Mahon wrote:
> He's a prat, and while he has a few valid points that's hardly
> surprising; in amongst sixty nine whinges chance alone means he's got to
> hit some good ones.

After some time to reflect and a couple of friendly off-list reminders
of the code of conduct I'm going to appologise for calling the author a
prat; it really doesn't help the debate or the atmosphere of the list,
and you can't make that sort of judgement on the basis of one blog
posting in any case. So, sorry everyone.

However, I still think he's mostly wrong, in both matters of facts and
in matters of taste; and while I hope that the genuine bugs he's spotted
get bugzilla-ed and then fixed I also hope we don't get his opinions
turning up in Ubuntu as fait acompli like the Nautilus 'Ubuntu spatial'
change did.

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