OT: Mark made my day!

Jane Weideman janew at hbd.com
Wed Apr 13 01:16:33 CDT 2005

Corey, referring to point 11, I think he means menu items should have 
the first letter of EACH word capitalised...

So with the examples given

“Four-in-a-row” Four-In-a-Row
“XSane Image scanning program” XSane Image Scanning Program
“Recording level monitor” Recording Level Monitor


It's a pretty minor thing, but I prefer it that way too, it looks neater.

Corey Burger wrote:

> I personally think that he is spot on for most of this 69 items. 
> Really there is not more to say about that.
> Some specific notes, only when I disagree or can think of a solution 
> (otherwise assume I agree with his statements):
> 1. I disagree with this and happen to dislike macos style of menus. I 
> also question there overall usablity (a bigger issue)
> 11. I don't completely understand his talk about incorrect capitalization.
> 16. Hiding something without the users input is bad usablity in my books
> 44. Nautilus should never present a file dialog for a cd unless it 
> sense data on it.
> just my thoughts,
> Corey
> Corey


*Jane Weideman *
Canonical Ltd.
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