Another extremely urgent nVidia driver testing request

Martin Schmitz ubuntu at
Mon Apr 4 07:15:26 CDT 2005

Daniel Stone schrieb:
> nVidia have released another version of their driver (1.0.7174) as an
> errata release to 1.0.7167 with very few changes.  We're hopefully
> going to pick this one up for Hoary, but as with 7167, it needs a fair
> bit of testing.  If anyone with an nVidia card could please add this
> to their sources list:
> deb i386/
> for i386 users, or:
> deb amd64/

For me, everything worked fine with Version 6629. I now tried 7167 and
7174 and it also works fine, except that X totally locks up if I try to
start kde or any kde program in gnome.

I have a GeForce4 MX 440 and I tried both Versions of agp, the native
kernel via_agp and the build-in nvidia driver agp.

I do not use any special X configuration despite the settings debconf
made, but I tried both with RenderAccel and without.

martin at sangje:~ $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/cards/0
Model:           GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X
IRQ:             16
Video BIOS:
Card Type:       AGP

martin at sangje:~ $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status
Status:          Enabled
Driver:          NVIDIA
AGP Rate:        4x
Fast Writes:     Disabled
SBA:             Disabled

So, where can I at least get the ubuntu packages with version 6629 again?


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