Trouble Dist-Upgrading Hoary-rc to Hoary Final

Adam Conrad adconrad at
Mon Apr 11 03:06:51 CDT 2005

mob wrote:
> Configurando powermanagement-interface (0.3.1) ...
> Can't call method "description" on an undefined value at
> /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ line 76, <GEN0> line 1.
> dpkg: error al procesar powermanagement-interface (--configure):

This looks an awful lot like Debconf database corruption to me.  While
this isn't supposed to ever happen (and, indeed, it's never happened to
me... yet), it obviously does.

Generally, this would be due to subtle hardware issues (do you find that
applications sometimes randomly crash for no good reason?) or alternately,
an unlucky power failure during a past dpkg/debconf upgrade process?  (I'd
recommend running a fsck on the filesystem that holds /var).

At any rate, whatever the reasons are for this corruption, things should
end up happy again if you run the following:

# /usr/share/debconf/
# dpkg --configure -a

If that still doesn't work, I'd appreciate the output of the following:

# dpkg -l debconf
# dpkg -l ucf
# DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer dpkg --configure powermanagement-interface


... Adam

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