gaim + guifications plugin

Thom Holwerda slakje at
Sun Apr 10 04:49:06 CDT 2005

> How about integrating the guifications plugin to gaim? It looks really
> good now, and lots of themes are being made (nothing to do with the
> screenshot page on their site). Here are a few screenshot links:

This seems like something I'd definitely wish to see in Ubuntu! I vote
'yes' for this one. However, I have one major gripe.

Is there anyway to make this, like, gtk+ aware? With that I mean: no
need for separate skinning? So that it simply adapts to the current gtk+
theme? Would be awkward for newbie users if they changed the Gnome/gtk+
theme only to find their Gaim popups still in the Ubuntu style...

Thom Holwerda
Main news posting guy of, bringing you the
OS/computer news that really matters

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