Question about uploading a package... - peercast

Romain Beauxis beauxir5 at
Tue Apr 5 17:27:31 CDT 2005

Hi ubuntu devs!

First, thx for your work, it is great to have an easy to install debian based 
distro! It would be perfect with kde but I know it is a long long subject ;)

I've got a few questions for a newbie to the maintainer process:

I have made a package for the P2P streaming soft peercast, and RFSed it for 
many time to the debian devel, but after correcting the few mistakes I had 
made, I get no answer to upload it, so I ask it to you, maybe you'll be more 

I allready uploaded the package to your archive, but I don't understand the 
process very welll..

What do I have to do?
Entitle my mail RFS ;)
Subscribe anywhere?

Thx for you answers!

Romain Beauxis
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