New DiskMonitoring package
Brian Sutherland
jinty at
Tue Apr 5 04:42:38 CDT 2005
On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 at 11:11:54PM +0200, Brian Sutherland wrote:
> I just finished putting together a prototype package for a Disk Health
> Notifier (package diskhealthnotifier - new name suggestions?). But I am
> missing an appropriate piece of web real estate to show it off from. Can
> anyone help out?
> This package requires a modified smartmontools package and tries to show
> smartd warnings graphically to the user (iff s/he is logged in).
Thanks to help from Pakistan Open Source, a smart-notifier and modified
smartmonools packages are available from
deb ./
deb-src ./
Some quick instructions for trying this out (after installing the
* add /usr/bin/smart-notifier to your gnome session (Perhaps should
be done automatically on package installation).
* start the smartd daemon by default (if you like)
* add "-M test" to the options after DEVICESCAN to send a test warning
on every smartd startup/shutdown. Testing can be done by restarting
the smartd daemon (make sure you have /usr/bin/smartd-notifier
running). A window should pop-up on the screen showing the message.
What do you think?
P.S. It would be very comforting if the resident ubuntu dbus person
(expert;) could have a look at the dbus config file in the package.
Brian Sutherland
It's 10 minutes, 5 if you walk fast.
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