uubuntu equivalent of rpmbuild

Erik Bågfors zindar at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 09:52:53 CDT 2005

to download the package and build it all in one command.. run

apt-get -b source package

If you just want the source and build by hand run
apt-get source package. This will create a directory like
"package-xxx".  Go to that dir and run "debian/rules binary".

That should be it.


On Apr 4, 2005 4:11 PM, FM <dist-list at lexum.umontreal.ca> wrote:
> Hello I'm a RedHat/Mandrake user and sys admin,
> I'd like to test Ubuntu at my office (to replace Mandrake on Desktop).
>  From tim eto time I need to rebuild rpm (download and install RPMS
> modify SPEC file and then rebuild RPM with rpmbuild).
> I suppose there is an equivalent in the deb world ?
> thanks !
> FM
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