Another extremely urgent nVidia driver testing request

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Mon Apr 4 05:48:42 CDT 2005

Am Montag, den 04.04.2005, 12:30 +0200 schrieb Martin Pitt:
> However, what about adding "rmmod nvidia && modprobe nvidia" to the
> postinst somewhere? 
or one, you would have to leave X in any case for this, else you wont be
able to unload the module...
and this could end up with a system in very bad shape in some cases:

if you upgrade l-r-m and linux-image at the same time _and_ have a abi
change, the module will expect the matching kernel....
which is not there without reboot, so the postinst must fail.

....while you still can work with the old module loaded and dont need to
leave X...

... but a hint like: 
"you should reboot to make the new binary module work" 
in the postinst would be nice.


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