Spatial mess prevention

Matthew Thomas mpt at
Fri Apr 1 19:28:56 CST 2005

Jorge Bernal wrote:
 >    Today, at #ubuntu-motu, I noticed the last update of nautilus
 > package:
 >   * debian/patches/02_ubuntuspatial.patch:
 >     - changes to the spatial mode. Close the folders by default while
 >       browsing.

Ow. I understand the motivation, but that's 

 >    But I think, like quite others, that this behaviour may not be the
 >    best option.  We  could  discuss that forever and lose a lot of our
 >    precious time.
 >    Better  than  this,  is  to  develop  an  alternative solution. Let
 >    the Technical  Board, the sabdfl, or whoever has taken that
 >    decision happy, and let the user choose at the same time :)

The option you've added would be good as a temporary reduction of the 
problem. (It would keep me sane, at least, but then I'm the sort of 
person who ever looks in Preferences windows.)

A longer-term solution:
*   "No way of opening an item while closing its parent folder"
*   "No way of switching current folder into/out of browser mode"

Matthew Thomas

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